So, life has become quite hectic in the past three years or so, and I feel as though I have become a bit lost. Despite the fact that I have had most of the happiest moments of my life so far in these past few years, they have also been some of the most difficult, as there has been no financial or emotional consistency. Life has been a major roller coaster ride and a whirlwind blur of emotions and events.
A dog who shits while he pisses.
A true multi-tasker here!
If only life's confusion were as simple as
a miscommunication between your bowels.. |
Sometimes I feel like I'm in a huge rush to get my life over with, it's like that Alabama song "I'm in a hurry to get things done, oh I, rush and rush until life's no fun... All I really gotta do is live and die, but I'm in a hurry and don't know why..."
Since June of 2007, I graduated high school a whole year early, went straight to college, competed in a bunch of swimming/diving competitions and worked my way up to nationals; I dated around, partied a bit, then fell in love with my childhood crush, got pregnant, engaged, moved out of my parents' house, moved back into their house, rehabbed a condo, moved into the condo and out of my parents' house for good, quit my job, had a baby, (keep in mind all of this while still working), moved into a house, moved out of the house and into my husband's parents' house, lost my grandmother to cancer, moved out of their house and back into the condo, planned a wedding, turned 21, got married, (still in school...), and now I'm here.
My husband and I (July 2008).
Trace Adkins concert at RibFest.
One of the last times I felt as though
life was completely in order. |
It's the end of January 2011 already, and I feel like the biggest moments of my life have just completely flown by me. Originally my goal for this blog was to tell others about how I am trying to change my home and make it a more healthy environment not only for my family and guests, but for the world as well by using earth friendly, natural products, and to document how the changes were going for myself and my family. However, after a bit of self-reflection and some bad news, I feel as though despite the fact that I've found completely new sides to myself that I never knew existed since life decided to become a blur, I have lost a bit of myself as well. I've become confused about my entire life, I don't feel confident in my decision-making abilities, I've been lacking the motivation to get simple tasks done like cleaning the house or emptying the dishwasher. All in all, call me crazy, but I think I've become burnt out. I feel like the speed of the last three years has taken a major toll on my confidence and my creativity.
NJCAA Swimming & Diving
National Championships 2008
There has never been a moment in my life
where I have felt more focused than that day. |
So, my goal for this blog is to document the journey of a stay-at-home mom, wife, and full-time student toward learning more about herself, her family, the world around us and everything it has to offer. From simple humor, to tackling global issues, to home decorating, childrearing, education, and everything I can possibly think of, I hope to tackle one topic each day, be it researching or trying a new product and writing about it, to giving a glimpse into the hilarity of motherhood, my hope for this blog is to touch the hearts, minds, and souls of others, and to hopefully gain some insight into what it is I am meant to do in this life. I am beginning a search for clarity, balance, and selflessness.
Welcome to my virtual vision board. Enjoy what is to come.
~K.D. Bugs
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