Wednesday, February 23, 2011

NEW Feature!!! "Song Of The Day"

Nearly everyone who knows me realizes how much of a HUGE music fan I am. I grew up with the radio on constantly, and developed a taste in music to match both my father and my mother. I participated in choir from the day I was old enough to (about third grade) all the way through high school. I also joined the orchestra in fourth grade and learned to play the viola.

Violin vs. Viola
(The Viola is larger than the violin, but is
played in the same fashion. There are also different
strings on the Viola than the Violin, which creates
a deeper range of notes)
I can still remember the day our instructor came to class to introduce us to the instruments of the orchestra. She asked for volunteers to come try and hold the instruments, and I remember standing in front of the class with this beautifully old and broken-in viola thinking "THIS IS AWESOME!!!" I played viola from that day up until my freshman year of high school, where I decided I wanted to learn to play double bass (the giant cello-looking thing that you stand behind to play, yes! Imagine tiny little me playing a big old thing like that!).

In middle school, I dug out my dad's old acoustic guitar and taught myself to play. I convinced my parents to buy me an electric bass, and eventually bought myself an electric guitar (which I still own today). I formed numerous bands and participated in nearly every school show I could get into. I loved to perform...

Freshman year of high school was tough socially, and sophomore year brought on scheduling conflicts with classes, so orchestra got sent to the back burner. There was a semester that I decided I wanted to forgo choir, and I was MISERABLE the entire time!!!

Well, college happened and life did too, and I gave up orchestra for good, and I could not find the time to participate in a choir, nor did I have anyone to start a band with, so performing kind of hit the road too. But I still play guitar occasionally, and I sing CONSTANTLY.
I could not imagine a world where I could not sing or listen to music, you would have to put me in a straight jacket, as music is my way of coping. I've learned that music has a huge effect on my day, and it allows me to experience feelings that I may not particularly want to experience at that very moment. I find deep connection with song lyrics, and love deciphering the story of a song and its poetry.

So I've decided to share a new feature here, it is called "Song of The Day". Each day I will chose a song that fits what I have been thinking about that day, what I am talking about on here, or what reminds me of someone I know or something I've experienced. All in all, these are songs that hit me emotionally, that I thoroughly enjoy the message of, and which I feel needs to be shared. The links for each song will be posted below the "About me" section of this blog, and I will hope to touch on the song and its topics in my posts for that day.

I begin with Miranda Lambert's new single "Heart Like Mine". I fell in love with this song the minute I heard it, and feel that the lyrics give a huge glimpse into the world of me. The message I get from this song is: Don't worry about what other people think of you, live your life the way you see fit and make yourself happy, because in the end, there is only two people whose opinions matter, and that is yours and your maker's.

I hope you enjoy this new feature as much as I enjoy sharing the music that I love.

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