Monday, February 21, 2011

A short story...

My husband and our daughter
(July 2009)
Mommy puts baby down for a nap. Mommy does some homework while said baby is supposed to be napping. Baby decides sitting in her crib and screaming as loud as she can and knocking on the window at people outside is more fun. Baby continues to do this for two hours until Mommy decides it's a good idea to change said Baby's diaper and get a new bottle for Baby. Once Baby's bottom is no longer stinky and Baby has a brand new, full bottle of milk, Mommy and Baby sit in the reading chair in the living room to read a book. Much to Mommy's dismay, Daddy comes home and foils Mommy's attempt at calming Baby. 

My Infamous "Fat Dog" Harley and Myself
Like many, Harley enjoys a good snooze
in the hammock with her owner.
(June 2008)
Baby jumps off Mommy's lap to greet Daddy at the door. Mommy decides to resume her studies. Daddy goes to the bedroom to change out of his work attire, while Baby continues to play in the living room. Suddenly, Baby decides to take off running down the hall. Mommy decides this is alright because she knows Baby is going to look for Daddy, where she will find him in the bedroom. When Baby and Daddy do not come back down the hall within a few minutes, Mommy decides to make sure everything is okay. She finds Daddy and Baby laying in Mommy and Daddy's bed drinking a bottle. Mommy decides to snuggle with them on the other side of baby, but Baby decides to push Mommy away. When Mommy asks Baby, "Oh! So you don't want Mommy to lay with you?" Baby pushes Mommy away further. When Mommy asks, "You want Mommy to go away?" Baby shakes her head yes... Mommy sees where she ranks. I guess I'll just go snuggle with the dog, at least I know I'm HER favorite.

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